Change Default MacOS Ventura Shell
I am using macOS Ventura and it comes with default not bash, below steps are needed to change to use the latest bash from homebrew.

I am using macOS Ventura and it comes with default not bash
, below steps are needed to change to use the latest bash
from homebrew
- Get the latest
brew install bash
2. Change default shell
to bash
a) For Mac Silicon, default path of homebrew
is /opt/homebrew/
## Change to root and append into /etc/shells
sudo -i
echo /opt/homebrew/bin/bash > /etc/shells
## Change default shell to bash
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash
b) For Mac Intel, default path of homebrew
is /usr/local/
## Change to root and append into /etc/shells
sudo -i
echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /etc/shells
## Change default shell to bash
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
Exit and open the Terminal
again to verify your shell is bash
5.2.15(1)-release /opt/homebrew/bin/bash
3. Install some interesting bash completion plugin for bash:
## Plugin for bash-completion
brew install bash-completion@2
## Plugin for rustc
brew install rustc-completion
If you are using git
, pls take note to install latest git version from brew
which has git-completion plugin.
brew install git
Pls take note, with this new bash
, we can use .bash_profile
to add any alias, ...
Good luck.