Gitolite-Cgit: SCM Server Docker Image

bacnh85/gitolite-cgit is a Docker image with cgit and gitolite running on top of alpinebase image. Dockerfile is available at Github repo.

Gitolite-Cgit: SCM Server Docker Image

What is this image?

bacnh85/gitolite-cgit is a Docker image with cgit and gitolite running on top of alpinebase image. Dockerfile is available at Github repo.


  1. Pull the image
docker pull bacnh85/gitolite-cgit
  1. Run the image with provided environment:
docker run -e SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/" -e SSH_KEY_NAME="$(whoami)" -p 22:22 -p 80:80 -p 9418:9418 -v repo:/var/lib/git/ bacnh85/gitolite-cgit


  • SSH_KEY: Public key of gitolite admin
  • SSH_KEY_NAME: Name of gitolite admin
  • CGIT_PREFIX: cgit clone prefix to display on each repository. For example: my web url is:, the clone URL should be: ssh://[email protected]

Exposed ports

  • Port 22: for SSH clone
  • Port 80: for cgit webpage running on Nginx
  • Port 9418: for git daemon protocol


  • /var/lib/git: gitolite home folder, store all repositories, gitolite-admin repo, ...
  • /etc/ssh/: store all generated SSH server key

How to interact with git server

Cgit webpage: http://<server_ip>/

Supported clone method:

  • SSH: authentication with gitolite configuration inside gitolite-admin. For more information, pls refer to (basic administration]( Syntax: git clone ssh://git@<server_ip>/<repo_name>
  • HTTP: enable-http-clone=1 by default, which let cgit act as a dumb HTTP enpoint for git clones. You can disable that by edit /etc/cgitrc. I may consider to add more feature, so you can set config from docker run or docker-compose.yml. git push is not supported via HTTP at this moment. Syntax: git clone http://<server_ip>/<repo_name>
  • GIT: git daemon is enabled by default with upload-pack service (this serves git fetch-pack and git ls-remote clients), allowing anonymous fetch, clone. Syntax: git clone git://<server_ip>/<repo_path>


  1. Pull the image:
docker pull bacnh85/gitolite-cgit
  1. Create environment file

In this repo, I create gitolite admin with the host public key and username. In case, you are running this on server, you need to enter SSH_KEY and SSH_KEY_NAME into config.env:

# Gitolite options
SSH_KEY=<your public key content>
SSH_KEY_NAME=<your gitolite name>
# Cgit options
CGIT_PREFIX=<cgit clone prefix like: ssh://[email protected] git:// >

For convience, I create a script for user who use the public key and name from the host running Docker:

# change ssh_key, ssh_key_name to reflect your current setup
SSH_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/

sed -i.bak \
    -e "s#SSH_KEY=.*#SSH_KEY=${SSH_KEY}#g" \
    "$(dirname "$0")/config.env"
  1. Create docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'

    image: bacnh85/gitolite-cgit
    container_name: gitolite-cgit
    env_file: config.env
      - git:/var/lib/git/
      - 22:22
      - 80:80
      - 9418:9418
    tty: true

Then power-on your container:

docker-compose up -d

Customize cgit configuration

As there are many cgit configuration, you can create cgitrc configure and map to /etc/cgitrc

# Copy cgitrc from existing container
docker cp gitolite-cgit:/etc/cgitrc .

Modify the docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'

    image: bacnh85/gitolite-cgit
    container_name: gitolite-cgit
    env_file: config.env
      - git:/var/lib/git/
      - ./cgitrc:/etc/cgitrc
      - 22:22
      - 80:80
      - 9418:9418
    tty: true

Build docker image

git clone
cd docker-gitolite-cgit
docker build gitolite-cgit -t bacnh85/gitolite-cgit

Good luck!