Quectel MC60 OpenCPU VSCode SDK
Original SDK from Quectel is based on Eclipse or none. As VSCode is the most popular IDE, I intend to make VSCode based SDK for MC60 OpenCPU.

As VSCode is the most popular SDK for developer and original SDK from Quectel is not VSCode friendly, so I write this repository to produce better VSCode intergration for MC60 OpenCPU development.
GitHub repository: https://github.com/bacnh85/Quectel_MC60_OpenCPU_VSCode_SDK
Following things are improved compared to official SDK:
- SDK folder: remove all tools, example folder that not needed for normal development
- Makefile: make clear Makefile script to include src files located at

Advantage of OpenCPU approach is that: you can write application firmware just inside MC60 Module, instead of using external MCU, so total solution cost is reduced.

For MC60 Example Code, pls refer to Quectel_MC60_OpenCPU repo.
Current MC60 SDK: MC60_OpenCPU_GS3_SDK_V1.7.
- Add VSCode action context
- Add burning script just inside VSCode
MC60 Useful Information
Officially Quectel provides following documents, tools for MC60 OpenCPU development:
MC60 Product info: includes product specification, however you can't download documents without having registered account.
MC60 Documents and Tools: included all needed documents like Software documents (AT Commands, and app notes), hardware documents (Reference design, footprint, ... )
MC60 OpenCPU SDK: OpenCPU documents, GCC compiler, SDK
You can read my blog post for more Quectel IoT Modules Overview
Resource information
Processor: 32-bit ARM7EJ-STM RISC 260MHz.
MC60-OpenCPU (OC: MC60CA-04-STD) module builds in 4MB flash and 4MB RAM.
- User App Code Space: 320KB space available for image bin.
- RAM Space: 100KB static memory and 500KB dynamic memory.
- User File System Space: 120KB available.
I assump that VSCode is already installed in your machine.
- Install GCC Compiler with Administrator role and Windows 7 compability mode.
- Flash the base FW: MC60CAR01A12 at FW folder
- InstallMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) for image generation tool
to work.
Clone this repo and its submodule and open with VSCode. Another method, you can just download the zip file
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/bacnh85/Quectel_MC60_OpenCPU_VSCode_SDK
$ cd Quectel_MC60_VSCode_SDK
$ code .
Folder structure:
├───FW <-- Base firmware folder
├───SDK <-- SDK folder
│ ├───include <-- SDK include header files
│ ├───libs <-- Precompiled GCC library
│ │ └───gcc
│ ├───make
│ └───ril <-- RIL src, can adjust to fit your need
│ ├───inc
│ └───src
All development should be done inside src
folder. In the terminal, you can just type make
to build the images.
Note: for this demo purpose, I just create submodule src that point to MC60 Example repository. You are free to link with your own src repository to build your application.
Technical support and copyright
I don't intend to create this repository to take over technical support from Quectel Wireless Solution. Thus, for particular technical support of MC60, pls goto respective local Quectel FAE or Quectel forums.
All SDK files and documents are belong to Quectel Wireless Solutions copyright.
Note: If you are working with MC60-E, pls goto branch MC60-E.