DevZoneQuecOpen Golang Development GuideThis repository will introduce how to develope Golang based application with Quectel QuecOpen modules which support Linux based SDK: LTE modules (EC21-E, EC25-E, ... ), Automotive modules (AG35-E, AG35-NA, ... ), 5G modules (RG500Q, ... ).
DevZoneMesh VPN solution for Embedded Linux ModulesMesh VPN solution for QuecOpen based modules EC2x, Automotive AG35, Smart module SC20, SC600, ...
IoT ModulesQuectel QuecOpen ADB TroubleshootingADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a development tool that facilitates communication between your Linux box and Android device. ADB USB interface is found in Qualcomm based IoT Modules like EC21, EC25, AG35, SC20, ... with big memory size running Linux OS.